Binance Will Delist CLOCK, MOD, SUB | Binance Login
At Binance, we periodically assessment each digital asset we listing to make certain that it keeps to fulfill the excessive stage of standard we assume. Whilst a coin or token not meets this well-known, or the industry modifications, we conduct a more in-depth evaluation and probably delist it. We accept as true with this pleasant protects all of our users. When we conduct these reviews, we consider a variety of factors. Here are some that drive whether we decide to delist a digital asset: • Commitment of team to project • Level and quality of development activity • Network / smart contract stability • Level of public communication • Responsiveness to our periodic due diligence requests • Evidence of unethical / fraudulent conduct • Contribution to a healthy and sustainable crypto ecosystem Based on our maximum current opinions, we have determined to delist and stop buying and selling on all buying and selling pairs for the subsequent coins and tokens on...